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Berge im Nebel

Escape the clouds

Maira for Investors

The future of finance is in your pocket. It's defined by true ownership. Experience the new and simple way to accumulate your personal wealth and escape the complexities of traditional finance.

A whole new world to explore

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True ownership

Each asset on Maira is represented by a security token. This means that the asset can only be legally transferred by transferring the token that represents that asset. And that token is locked in your pocket on your smart wallet. You truly own all the assets you have purchased and no intermediary can access them.


Secondary market trading

Trade on one of the first exchanges for tokenized Real World Assets (RWA). By making assets tradable and accessible, we create liquidity by allowing all investors to sell their assets 24/7 with instant settlement and clearing. Within minutes, your money is in your account.

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Borrowing and lending

Because you truly own your assets, you can leverage your assets to borrow money or other assets. In addition, our lending solutions allow all investors to lend to businesses or individuals and generate a passive income. 


No intermediaries

Investors on Maira interact directly with the exchange and do not need to go through an intermediary, saving you costs and time. In addition, transaction fees are kept to a minimum and brokerage fees are completely eliminated, even for international investments.

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Unlock private markets

Private market investing has traditionally been the preserve of institutional and professional investors, simply because there was no infrastructure in place to enable retail investors to access private markets. Maira provides that infrastructure, making private market investing accessible to everyone.



Traditionally, investors had to research their investments before placing orders on the stock exchange. This required a laborious process of gathering trustworthy information. With Maira, this is a thing of the past: All relevant investment information is available on Maira, making it easy to make fully informed investment decisions. 


 International remittances

International remittances used to be slow and expensive, with multiple intermediaries communicating to complete the transaction. With your Maira account, international remittances are instant at low cost and can be executed from your pocket.

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Free account

Many intermediaries regularly charge you for having an account with them. We believe this is an unjustified fee that no one should have to pay. Your Maira account is free with no surprise charges or fees, letting you earn on-chain yield. 

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